Our mission

To help families raise money-smart kids

What are money smarts?

Money smarts
[muh-nee smaats] noun
A set of skills, habits and behaviours that allow us to manage our money wisely,  also known as 'financial literacy'. Money smarts[muh-nee smaats] noun

Why do they matter?

adults in the world are financially illiterate¹
We live in a world where 2 in 3 adults are financially illiterate. Meaning, they lack the skills to manage their money properly, achieve their financial goals and improve their standard of living. Skills that we must teach our kids, or this will become their reality.
of parents surveyed believe kids’ money smarts are their responsibility2
of parents are reluctant to even talk to their kids about money3
of parents surveyed don’t think schools are doing enough to teach kids about money4

So, what's missing?

Money smarts are not something you learn in the classroom. It's a life skill that requires real decision-making, conceptual understanding and influence from those around you.

And while 98% of parents agree money smarts are essential for a good life5, they do next to nothing about it. Some don’t have the time and others think it's too complicated and don't know where to start. So they put it off and financial literacy becomes a tomorrow problem.

That's why we created GET.

The science of GET

We’re on a mission to help families raise money-smart kids.
Our philosophy

Learn by doing

Research shows that the best way for kids to learn is to let them give it a go8.

Kids need the opportunity to experience money in real situations, the joys of completing their goals and even learn from the little mistakes they may make
Our method

The fun factor

Studies show when fun is involved, kids get involved in learning9.

Kids are more engaged,  highly motivated and even remember the things they’ve learned better.

Our ‘fun factor’ is how we help turn ‘money smarts’ into an effective solution for parents.

The digital experience

Money today is much more than cash and coins. According to the MAS10 bank notes and cash withdrawals have been on a sharp decline and digital payments are the way of the future.

Kids see parents tapping their cards and paying online more than they see them using cash.

GET gives kids a safe way to experience digital money and learn about finance in a way that’s relevant to their world.